
Museo MAXXI - L' occhio come mestiere

Museo MAXXI of Rome 2022
Contribution to the exhibition L’occhio come mestiere – retrospective show of the famous photographer Gianni Berengo Gardin – curated by M. Guccione and A. Mauro.
Series of mural drawings representing the most iconic photos of Gardin, which I have realized cite specific interacting with the space and its characteristics.

Museo MAXXI - Edoné

Museo MAXXI of Rome 2023. Nuar Gallery commission.
Edoné | Video animation of 40″. Projected on the led-wall in the hall of the MAXXI Museum during the presentation and launch of Edoné Magazine.
Realization of the cover #1

Off Site Art - L'Aquila 2019

L’Aquila 2019 – 2021
My two posters (10×10 m) for Off Site Art – ArtBridge, the project that transforms the post-earthquake construction sites in L’Aquila into the walls of a huge open air gallery. A wonderful life is in Piazza Chiarino, L’Aquila. On the other facade of the building, a drawing by the master of comic GiPi.

Tiz cucina e sofà

Rome 2021
Characterization of the Bistrot Tiz cucina e sofà, situated in the center of Rome and founded by the Chef Tiziana Dazzi.
Creation of LOGO, interior mural, MENU design, restroom symbols, ceramic objects and paintings.


Map of Roberto Koch photos

Rome 2016
Creation of an invented MAP. Ink, watercolor and pen.
The map is created with a collage of images from the most iconic photos by Roberto Koch. Each photo is intertwined with each other by redrawing them on paper. I created juxtapositions of images to generate an ideal map that traces the career of the photographer, founder of the Agenzia Contrasto.

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